CAPE champions diversity by educating, connecting, and empowering Asian and Pacific Islander (API) artists and leaders in entertainment and media. We work to create long-lasting and systemic change in Hollywood. By increasing API representation in front of and behind the camera, we can use our stories to combat stereotypical, harmful, and dangerous representations of API communities in film and TV.
CAPE is always trying to find more ways to uplift and champion artists and leaders as we scale the type of services we can provide. A small contribution can have a big impact as we scale the services we can provide. Any funds raised will also go towards sustaining the CAPE Database, research, consulting and trainings, and programs such as the CAPE New Writers Fellowship, CAPE Leaders Fellowship, Julia S. Gouw Short Film Challenge, CAPE Animation Directors Accelerator, CAPE Emerging Executives Committee, the CAPE List, and more in incubation!

receive special invitations to CAPE events and programs when you donate $200+ IN THE MONTH OF DECEMBER 2024!
CAPE (Coalition of Asian Pacifics in Entertainment) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Tax ID number 95-4552979.
Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
To donate by mail, please make a check payable to “CAPE Foundation" and mail to:
244 S. San Pedro St, #406
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Recurring Donors
Chantal Nong
Eric Elzy
Jaycie Luo
Katharine Wu
Sheena Santamaria
Chantal Nong Eric Elzy Jaycie Luo Katharine Wu Sheena Santamaria
Showrunners ($25,000+)
Bill Imada
Cindy Y. Huang
Julia S. Gouw
Executive Producers ($10,000 - $24,999)
Gillian Yu
Gordon Tsui | Unity Angels
Jeanelle Arias
Jessy Li
Priscilla S. Y. Lim
Toni Wang
Yao King
Consulting Producers ($5,000 - $9,999)
Michael Lee on behalf of GitHub OctoAsians Community of Belonging
Producers ($1,000 - $4,999)
Anonymous x 2
Angela Killoren
Gordon Ho
Janice Lee McMahon dedicated to Ruthann Chou
Miranda Kwok
Peter McHugh
Peter Shimamoto
Sherry Cola
Teresa Huang
Co-Producers ($300 - $999)
Alex Ritchie
Anonymous in memory of Frederick Kim
Chantal Nong
Dan Mark
Elena Song
Eric Elzy
Helen Shang on behalf of AAPI Diaspora picket
Hymnson Chan in memory of Frederick Kim
Jaycie Luo
Judy Lei
June Bayha
Katharine Wu
Katie Robbins
Kevin Kreider dedicated to Michelle Sugihara
Kirk Damato
Lauren Tom
Naia Cucukov
Nisha Ganatra
Peter Cha
Reggie Lee dedicated to Michelle Sugihara, Jes Vu, Grace Kao, Rhian Moore (the CAPE family) for your tireless, continued efforts to raise our visibility
Rowena Arguelles
Sophia Yen
Taryn Look dedicated to Michelle Sugihara
Vanessa David
Story Editors ($100 - $299)
Anonymous x 11
Alison Chang
Andy Cung
Annie Byun
Brian Pang
Briana Cap
Carolyn Huynh
Chantal Thuy
Charles Chen
Christian Bustamante
Christopher Friel
Clique-Now LLC
Connie Yang
D. Dona Le
Douglas Montgomery
Elizabeth Bubriski
Elizabeth York
Eric Hsiao
Erwin “Rome” Felicilda
Helen Bui
Iram Parveen Bilal
James Hong
Jason Chandra
Jon Wu
Kelvin Yu
Kevin Chin
Krista Marie Yu in honor of Michelle!
Laverne McKinnon
Leo Sheng
Lil Rhee
Lynn Chen on behalf of The Yellow Pages newsletter
Mana Yamaguchi
Melissa Gunarto
Michael Chiu
Michael Tanizaki Kurland
Nancy Yuen
Neil Thomas
Nicole Go
Paul Chang
Peter Limm
Ronny Chieng
Samantha Lee
Shay Fan
Shirley Kurata
Soo Hugh
Stephanie Cha
Stephen Tao
Vidhya Iyer
Y. Shireen Razack in memory of Frederick Kim
Staff Writers ($1 - $99)
Anonymous x 10
Anonymous in honor of Ben Dubash
Anonymous in honor of Dinh Thai
Anonymous in honor of Keto Shimizu
Andrea Walter
Andrew Ge
Anne Phan
Averie Huffine dedicated to Dana Ledoux Miller
Bruce Rosepapa
Chou Yam
Christina Kim dedicated to AANHPI Brunch
D’Lo Srijaerajah
Danni Wang
Do Hoon Bae
Dorothy Xiao
Eliver Ling
Georgia Lee
Hao Feng
Hilaree Caldwell
Intae Kim
Kevin Iwashina
Kiran Subramaniam dedicated to CAPE New Writers Fellowship
Kulap Vilaysack
Leo Kaupe
Mas Moriya
Minji Chang dedicated to Michelle & the amazing CAPE team!
Nathan Ramos
Perry Yung
Quyenzi Pham
Sam Boyer
Sanjay Shah
Sheena Santamaria
Stef Woodburn
Tanuj Chopra
Theresa Hu
For any questions, comments or concerns regarding donations, including tax receipts, please email info@capeusa.org.